10 Strategies in Making Wise Choices!
Ten strategies to follow that will empower you to launch that mentality in life, sustain it, and end up at the destination of your choosing.
10 Principles for Groundbreaking Success!
10 Principles for Groundbreaking Success! “The more grounded you are, the higher you can fly.” J.R. Rim You must have principles to guide your life that will empower you to chart your own path and to be in absolute control of the accomplishments that you can achieve! The following 10 principles are interconnected to achieve […]
10 Steps to Empower You to Stand Up for Your Beliefs!
10 Steps to Empower You to Stand Up for Your Beliefs! “Be cognizant of the power that you alone possess and become influential in your own right by voicing your conviction.” – Trey Boyer This is a very interesting time in our society as there is a social undertone of division that criticizes those who […]
10 Ways to Master the Art of Perfect Timing!
10 Ways to Master the Art of Perfect Timing! “Master the art of perfect timing and you will control the trajectory of your life!” -Trey Boyer It has been said that time is an illusion, but TIMING is an art. Mastering the art of perfect timing will affect your relationships with others, elevate you to […]